As a page we do not ordinarily get involved with the re homing of horses however there are times we have to make an exception to the rule and this is truly one of those. We are working closely with the relevant parties to this and offering our unwavering support and help in any way we can. Before the inception of this page there were many people looking out for the horses in Ashford who were undoubtedly suffering and they were highlighting concerns way before we came on the scene. To those people you have our upmost respect and thanks but sometimes someone comes along with an incredible insight in to horses and the most eloquent way with words. We truly loved this mans words and ethos when it came to horses, he was a true gentleman in every sense of the word. Colin Bland spent many hours of his free time checking horses in fields known for neglect and suffering inflicted on these poor souls and taking photos accompanied by his most touching words. At times his words were so poignant you would have to have a heart of stone not to find a gentle tear rolling down your cheek. Colin Bland knew he could not save them all much less take them away from the circumstances they found themselves in but he knew he could reach out to others to let them know those horses existed and deserved thought from us. Colin's life was cut tragically short at the age of 63 the last few posts before he passed away were typical of him drawing awareness to the unloved and most desperate of cases in the Ashford horses. Colin's family have persevered and struggled to maintain the lives of both themselves and his beloved horses Phaedra and Leah but now they find themselves in serious difficulty. It has been the most upsetting and heartbreaking of decisions for them but they are no longer in a position to continue. The health reason are genuine and we can only pay tribute to how long they have tried in the face of serious illness and adversity. We know this decision is completely selfless and one taken for the horses not themselves. All personal feelings have had to be set aside to do what is in the best interest of these beautiful horses. We hope with this explanation the followers of this page will understand why we have offered our help, for a man who did so much for others we need to try and help as best as we can.
A home is being sought for Phaedra and Leah aged 13 and 15 respectively both are welsh section D's. Both girls have been lightly ridden in the past in bitless bridles but that was some years ago. Leah is roughly 15hh and Phaedra is approx 14hh. Both girls are easy to do in regard to catching and leading etc. The girls must be homed together please do not ask for or register interest in them separately as they will not be split up from each other. Whilst any home that has the good fortune in becoming the new home for these girls safety nets will be provided to ensure they are not sold on and must always come back into the care of the family should any events occur that would mean that they could not be kept on.
For anymore details please message the page and we will pass those messages on. Please at this time respect Colin's family and their privacy. This has been the most heart breaking of decisions for them and they have entrusted it in to hands that they feel will find the right homes and help with all that entails. If you cannot offer these beautiful horses a home please share this post to find their special person. Many thanks from the team here at TNHOA